Commission Stuff

My sona, a mix of German Shepard, space goober, and hot chocolate

Hello 👋

I'm Schocoa!I draw any variety of stuff I like, have liked, and my own characters (usually human and anthro)I do also make up species (only 1 is really ready tbh)

Other Stuff


I stream both mine and Jaster's D&D. Mine's a Murder Mystery, more planned than my usual campaigns, while Jaster's is much more open and unplanned than he's used to.

Gamer Moment

Time slot for any game I've started, to continue, or to start new ones (hopefully after I complete my backlog of games)


Modded Hardcore - I love certain mods and Hardcore makes me have that fear I used to have when I first started playing Minecraft.
This is me having fun and I'm gunna be doing a mild role-play as I've created a bit of lore for my Minecraft self

A breakdown of my OCs and their designs and redesigns (this is mainly for myself)

My Persona

Earliest persona with the most redesigns, each with a wolf and humanoid form, some featuring a human or anthro form. I can't find any drawings of the 1st OG design.

Design 2 & 3

I remember I was really obsessed with Assassin's Creed, the jacket for 3 is some jacket I had bought with my first $20. I did try and fail to make the mask.

Design 4

Tried to go back to OG design but forgot it for the most part - also got an Army cap I really loved.

Design 5

Integrated some of the stuff to my main OC from the Undertale AU that I liked (like the paint belt)

Design 6 & 7+

Started to REALLY get on that art grind in self-improvement n stuff - also randomly did a different design? A bunch of outfit and eye tweaks here apparently

Design 8 & 9+

Lore stuff, they became part dragon. I started drawing them less at this point I think, cuz some be months apart.

Latest Design

hehe centuar wolf

AUs n stuff

Technically, variants of Midnight.

I made them as an art persona but it actually took a few years for me to actually use them as a persona

Design 2, basically, but that is their nickname in my head

When I embraced being a furry and leaned into it but it was hard coming up with something that felt like me

This one stuck the longest but was missing that space vibe I love

I combined Eclip Star and the Marshmallow Schocoa to make thise goober!

Robot goober built by Midnight as a defense for the pack but due to being fuelled by magic and it being filtered pure, they can't hurt a fly

A creature made to be a mascot for the pack but also in universe is a mild nuisance.

A lil goober born from a self-imposed art challenge of humanizing some items I had and this one was based off of my wolf hat.

The god of Alaquara and, at a later point, Alemora as well. They like pranking their people by not clearing up their confusion on whether the masks are all one or multiple deities.

Bestie with Guardian, mainly for their backstory tbh. The dragons are all Alemorian dragons.

Atax is the Commando of the small crew - one of the OGs - I have species sheet

Avarian is the Hunter of the small crew - I have species sheet

Mortis is the Warrior of the small crew - one of the OGs - I have species sheet

Apogee is the Logistics Officer of the small crew - I have species sheet

Bas is the Diplomat of the small crew - I have species sheet

Talis is the Botanist of the small crew - one of the OGs - I have species sheet

Tes is the Engineer of the small crew - one of the OGs - I have species sheet

He's the main protag of a story I've been working on - the powers are inspired by a nightmare I had.

The main antagonist

OC made as a pair with Charles - sadly I lost the OG drawing

OC made as a pair with Steven - sadly I lost the OG drawing

There may be a bit of a trend in my characters - don't worry about it

My favorite D&D fellas at that time, ordered from tallest to shortest - was actively playing Rem at the time.

Perra "Thorn"

My first proper boi I played in a campaign - She was a Totem Barbarian, Brass Dragonborn. (I may have exclusively picked wolf totem cuz I love wolves and misunderstood a few things. I did also reroll my entire health every level up .-.) She was incredibly naive, one of the party spooked her by saying that coffee would have her grow chest hair and she refused to drink it til someone assured her that wouldn't happen. She died at level 6 defending her friends while trying to fight a beholder and some flame skulls.


Based on DSMP Ranboo with a twist.
Rem is a Bard of Lore who has memory issues and tends to write everything down as they go and try to chart their path. Unfortunately, if they get too scared, which happened fairly frequently, they become Mer, a Beast Barbarian who can't speak common and acts very feral. They would be stuck like this for 1d4 hours and would regain themselves with no memory of what they did as Mer. No one really explained this to them and we only played for 2 or 3 sessions ;^;


A High Elf who got reincarnated as a child Tabaxi, and they viscerally hate it. I didn't get to solidify if my patron did that to me as they're an Archfey Warlock, as we died session 2 due to a tsunami of cuckoos.
I love this grumpy lil gremlin.


She was in 2 campaigns, originally a knowledge domain cleric who worships Selune, she started in that one module where you're trying to escape the underdark. I kept kicking ass with guiding bolt but would get knocked out pretty quick too. I also always went first. Again, though, only like 2-3 sessions.
Shortly after getting Tasha's I joined a campaign in progress and switched domains. I did accidentally keep Identify and continued to keep it after discussing my mistake with my DM. I tagged along with the group, helping get across gaps and keeping them safe (and massacring Goblins), Nova eventually met her end as part of fighting the BBEG we helped our powder keg of a cat jump into its face and blow a massive hole into the place


She was initially a rogue that was my first attempt at making a character but failed. I remade her as a gay Bard of Blades (her partner was Pearl, a fellow Teifling who was murdered in cold blood when some bastards came and attacked the place they were guarding together) who was on that grind to try and find the 3 responsible for killing her lover. Also Nova is her travelling sister, she is unaware that she's dead. The campaign I got to play her in only lasted like 1 session.

RC-9404 "Error"

yoinked a blank Republic Commando cuz I did not wanna draw that armor.They are the last of their squad to survive. They and 2 other clones were cornered and killing their way to escape. Dave saved Error from a sniper shot as Fireball sacrificed themselves by blowing themselves and the waves of enemies following behind them, allowing Error to escape, alone.We managed to get several sessions in but dammit I tried roleplaying with the Mandos, but I did get to meet and chill with Commander Buck and a few other Clone fellas. (They were NPCs - thanks Blossom)


Apparently Warlock 5 and Sorcerer 2 - I remembered them as a Soldier, thought maybe a paladin or something.The drawing is the first one I made in Clip.


A guard in a place of eternal winter, trying to help solve their icy prison.They're also running from their own mistakes, having caused so many deaths, leaving themselves the sole survivor, the only one living to tell their tales.Campaign is on indefinite hiatus. ._.

Felix "Tick" Schäfer

Newest boi - paranoid retired soldier.He's a German Shepherd with a tendency to end a fight with deadly force. He won't start the fight, but he will finish them.

o7 to all the character made but left to rot, unplayed, in campaigns abandoned long ago

Old FNaF inspired thing that honestly I want to rewrite but there's so much I'm not really happy with anymore, so a bit of a task.
Shea Wilson is the owner of Dave's Diner. I don't remember how, I think I was thinking like a rich or well-off aunt, but Shea did manage to get the OG Dot and Willy animatronics but she more of keeps them in storage and will talk to them as she does maintenance.

Part of Dave's Diner stuff - but ye cuz FNaF I had the older one take after the style of their animatronics.
Dot's was shut down after the owners were murdered. Their adopted son Sean was found alive, hiding in a closet or something.
I remember doing the ghostly lil portrait on top and thinking it was a cool lil thing, but it mainly obscures the fellas.

spicy lil junk fella

MHA OCs that I had fun with - they're a Rescue crew. Avery is a mix of Maine Coon and Peregrine Falcon. She's also missing one of her claws due to a childhood incident

OCs I've forgotten about and only drew like 1-3 times and abandoned. They will not be in order.


Protector of the Rainbow Army for a total of 1 roleplay. He was made purely cuz I was drawing with a color palette.


Short for Cyber - they're a software engineer who kinda went through some stuff I forgot and are now living as a cyber ghost and have to avoid going inside their PC while working


Made as a sibling to Leafy, a character I made as a birthday gift to a friend - Forest. I hope they're doing well.


Some plush fella who'd come to life or something - made from a bedsheet, white sewing thread, wire (they're posable), and cardboard.


Made from a cute but creepy challenge - based on that edit of a horse with dog teeth

Night & Day

idk honestly, no memory

Mark Shepard

Steven's ancestor from Alaquara


Some dimensionally travelling goober who rockets off to save someone, overshoots, and has to save themselves first and then the original fella who was in distress.


Some fella I made after rewatching Voltron apparently


Fella from an Undertale generator

Blink & Inky

They were meant to be like mascots or something for a blog


Adopted daughter of Midnight??


One of 3 Paladin OCs for a Voltron new generation rp I had with a bud - this guy's the blue one obviously.

Fable & Ari

The other 2 of the 3 Paladins.
Fable is the Yellow one and the only one of mine of an established alien race.
I think Ari was the Black one.
I wish I had the OG digital drawings for these guys, but I felt weird posting OCs of fandoms I was in.

Space Jelly Bat

A second attempt at proot oc

Vtuber attempt?

I don't remember much about this fella


Probably gunna recycle this fella - meant to be one of the deities under Guardian, in charge of Fantasy and Imagination


Another fella meant to be under Guardian


Made from a thing combining OC traits.
Tes, Eclip, Midnight maybe, and idk.


Same thing.
Gen, Fantasy, Eclip, Midnight, and Dim.


Same thing
Mecros, Gen, and?


I think from the same thing, but I have no clue

These guys

They were the protags of a story that I forgot about entirely


some dude from a planet I made up for a rp

Some stuff I may have used but never shown off the result, and some may be still a work in progress

Art Programs

2D Art

Krita - Old
Clip Studio Paint

3D Art



Flipaclip - Old
Krita - Old
Clip Studio Paint (It kinda sucks for animation ngl)


I will invoice you through Paypal, where there will be a breakdown of the price and re-stating the stuff mentioned here.
Half payment will need to be made before I start work on the commission, and the remainder will need to be sent before I send the final piece at full resolution and without the WIP watermark.


Revisions are free during the sketching phase unless it is something like a complete rework at the end making it a completely different piece. For anything past the sketching phase, it depends on the amount of effort it would be - if it is a slight color tweak, that's fine, but if you want the linework (if there is any) or anatomy to be different, that will be a fee dependent on the difficulty of the change.

Refund Policy

Refunds are only available as long as I am still on the Sketch phase of your commission.


It is a first come, first serve basis. If you need it to be done sooner, a 10% fee will be added.


It will vary on the piece, but it will be done in 2-20 work days depending on my queue and the detail of the piece

Artist's Right

Even if the thing you're asking for isn't explicitly mentioned as a thing I won't do, I have the right to not accept your commission. Although, to save us both time, it will be decided before I invoice you, as it'll be part of the initial discussion. This is more toward NSFW stuff, but some SFW stuff could fall into that category due to my current skillset.

Social Media

I will post timelapses and/or stream as I work unless you explicitly ask I don't. Same for posting the finished product, although only with a watermark and most likely glazed. (Glazing is AI art theft prevention)
It'll be a $5 fee for not posting anything related to the commission.

Commission Process

1: Sketch Phase
I'll gather references and other details to start and finish the Sketch, giving updates on request & when done for the day. When I feel that I've accomplished a Sketch of what you want, I will send a screenshot, regardless of if I'm done for the day or not. I will verify that you're satisfied with the sketch and no more tweaks will need to be done.
2: Lining & Color Prep
I'll do the linework if requested as I won't do linework unless requested or the piece calls for it (it's lines only, a doodle drawing, etc.) After the linework or if none was needed, I will then do color prep, where I get the silhouette of the drawing right. I'll send a screenshot if linework was a part of this phase.
3: Coloring, Shading, & Finishing Touches
I'll send screenshots each time I finish for the day. I'll color in the flat colors, if the piece is for Flat Colors, I will add lines to distinguish parts of the same color if there isn't any linework. Likewise, I'll then shade and add the background if it wasn't part of the process.
4: Delivery
Once the piece is completely paid, I will send the piece whichever means is most convenient for you, but if nothing was specified, I'll send it through Discord. I'll send it with a "For __ by Schocoa" watermark unless requested without or the piece is too small - it will be a separate layer, so no worries if you forget.
I will not include the CSP file


1: Mon


2: Tues


3: Wed


4: Thurs




People in the queue will get moved into a slot as soon as it opens up

Miscellaneous & Specials

My sona, a hot chocolate dog, in a cup

PNG Stills

$50 - 512 x 512
+ $40 For additional Emotions or Outfits

Pride YCH

$30 - 1024x1024
Select any 2 flags you'd like to feature - and any type of fella can be inserted, not just canine!

Base Prices


$15 - Lines Only
$20 - Flat Colors
$25 - Shaded

Half Body

$25 - Lines Only
$35 - Flat Colors
$45 - Shaded

Full Body

$40 - Lines Only
$50 - Flat Colors
$70 - Shaded

Placeholder dog in cup

Any additional charges are based on the base price.
75% upcharge MAX per additional character, dependent on how much of them is visible
75% upcharge MAX for complexity
25% Upcharge for no reference for the character
25% Discount for reoccurring characters (from you or characters I draw myself)

Your Choice Here(s)

Doodle PFP

$20 - 512x512
Named after the pen I use for the lineart here - the character might lose some detail if they generally have high detail
They don't have to be TF2 related


$30 - 1024x1024
Select any 2 flags you'd like to feature - and any type of fella can be inserted, not just canine!


$10 - 512 x 512
+ $2.50 for alt
They're lil guys used for streaming for people on discord but use it for whatever. They have a flat price, but also they're not 100% accurate, details can be lost, as these are lil guys I make in one sitting.

Reference Sheets


Blossom Simple Reference. Blossom is an Avali

$70 - Flat Colors
$95 - Shaded


Applesnack - Coyote snack protogen - detailed reference

$150 - Flat Colors
$200 - Shaded

I will always include color swatches and segment them for what they are for

Won't Do

  • Kid Show/Game Characters

  • Children

  • Bestiality

  • Diaper & Baby stuff

  • Inflation

  • Fart, Feces, Vomit, etc.

  • Incest

This is subject to change as I don't know everything that makes me uncomfortable


5% Fee for NSFW
Kinks can cause complexity fees (MAX of 75%) which will be separate of character complexity charges.

Base Price Charges & Discounts
75% upcharge MAX per additional character, dependent on how much of them is visible
75% upcharge MAX for complexity
25% Upcharge for no reference for the character
25% Discount for reoccurring characters (from you or characters I draw myself)

Helldiver Placeholder

Broken Arrow

A Comic Series in Progress based in the Helldivers 2 universe - albeit with some modification. This list will also include side stories made within the same universe

Main Story

Side Stories